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Get A Grip On Lighting - Bird Eye View

July 10, 2023

Neil Peterson is CEO of LED Lighting Supply where they sell – you guessed it – LED lighting. But they don’t sell to just anyone. LED Lighting Supply excel’s at commercial, industrial and sports lighting. And the market is booming. Neil prefers to stay in that lane and remain really good at it.

Neil has over a decade of lighting experience spanning lighting and pole product strategy, layout design, controls, and a wide range of product applications. As CEO of LED Lighting Supply, Neil leads a team supporting the commercial, industrial, and sports markets, with a focus on solutions for Industrial, sports, and harsh environments, including oil refineries, factories, and power plants. In his role, Neil has a particular interest in product planning, supply chain strategy, and sales management providing a bird’s-eye view into the ebbs and flows of the lighting industry.

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