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Get A Grip On Lighting - The Lighting Herd

January 04, 2021

2020 was a hard one for all of us, but to help us to look at the future is The Edison Report’s Randy Reid is here to help us look into 2021.

Beginning with his Director’s Notepad piece, we go discussed:

- Changes in business travel, the lack of networking online,
- The power of virtual education options,
- Randy’s Man(crush) of the Year,
- The blast of price increases coming at us in the next quarter,
- Pushing back on China not just as policy but as a social movement,
- The future of UV and hygiene theatre
- Mergers, acquisitions, support measures and corporate zombification,
- Randy’s new video news project,

Thank you all for listening to us, we hope you’ll join us in for the rest of what 2021 brings.

Listen to the podcast.