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Innovative Natural Lighting Controls Expand the Consumer Market

February 16, 2008

No longer found only in boardrooms and executive suites, the automated window treatment and lighting control industry is expanding across consumer markets and growing rapidly. The 'digital age' has made in-home technology a necessity, and consumers are hungry for next-generation, top-of-the-line solutions.

"There's no better way to accentuate the feeling of the perfect audio visual system than with total, simple environment control," says Norman Rosenberg, owner of Rosenberg Custom Electronic Window Treatments. "With the touch of a button lights dim, shades lower, draperies close, the movie begins - truly what the consumer desires. No longer reserved for the movie theaters, we're seeing everyday consumers desiring this 'smart home' control."

Able to expand an A/V company's current portfolio to include full design, project management and installation services for automated window treatments and lighting controls, Rosenberg Custom Electronic Window Treatments is providing the A/V dealer access to new revenue options, backed by decades of customer satisfaction.

"Automated window treatments represent an area of our industry that is poised for tremendous growth and profit potential; however, it is an area that demands a high level of competence and attention to detail," said Ralph Scrofani of Home Systems, a N.J.-based residential electronics provider that routinely partners with Rosenberg Custom Electronic Window Treatments.

A 'Three Star Platinum Preferred Partner' of Lutron, the world leader in the design and manufacturing of natural light window shading solutions and automated electric lighting controls, Rosenberg Custom Electronic Window Treatments works directly with A/V specialists, carpenters, electricians, architects and designers to provide advanced lighting solutions.

About Rosenberg Custom Electronic Window Treatments
Founded in 1958, Rosenberg Custom Electronic Window Treatments provides custom design and installation of electronically controlled window treatments. CEO Norman Rosenberg is the expert on harvesting and controlling light. From conception to completion, Rosenberg Custom Electronic Window Treatments partners with A/V systems integrators, designers, architects, carpenters, electricians, cabinet makers, and contractors to ensure integrated, functional solutions.

About Lutron
Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. (, headquartered in Coopersburg, PA, offers a variety of light dimmers, whole-home and whole-building dimming systems, controllable window treatments, and color-matched accessories, including wall plates, receptacles, and fan controls.