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Lighting Design Enjoys Uptick in Popularity

February 16, 2008

By Julie Kay

Mood is in.

And, when it comes to setting a mood, nothing works better than the right kind of lighting.

Whether it’s soft candles to set the stage for romance or a bright spotlight to showcase a treasured piece of art, lighting is getting plenty of attention these days.

From HGTV, which has dedicated a new show, “Light it Up,” to this fast-growing trend, to lighting design showrooms, there’s more and more talk about how to show off a room or its accents.

While Phillip Tebbutt, an associate professor in LSU’s Department of Interior Design, is excited about all the attention lighting is getting on decorating shows, he also wants homeowners to think about what they want to achieve in their homes.

Tebbutt, who teaches lighting design, said the spotlight TV programs, showrooms and magazines put on the topic is always good for ideas. “It gets the word out and makes people interested.”

The problem comes, he said, when homeowners try to emulate what they saw on a TV show. Many shows focus on quick fixes that might not be best in the long run, he said.

Whether changing a small area or whole rooms, lighting is a big part of room design, Tebbutt said.

He said he teaches students to aim for quality lighting rather than quantity.

“Be a good observer. Look at the existing situation and what is deficient. You want to balance natural and artificial lighting as best you can.

“Once it’s analyzed, come up with ideas on how that can be remedied,” he said.

Tebbutt, who calls his home his laboratory, uses multiple lighting techniques in each room.

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