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National Lighting Bureau Launches NLB-TV

November 05, 2018

The National Lighting Bureau (NLB) has launched NLB-TV with more than 200 videos comprising a collection that is likely to grow to 500 or more within a year, according to NLB Chair Cary S. Mendelsohn, CLMC. Mr. Mendelsohn represents the interNational Association of Lighting Management Companies (NALMCO) and is CEO of Chicago’s Imperial Lighting Maintenance Company. NALMCO videos are included in the collection, as are those of other NLB sponsors, the EdisonReport, and the NLB itself, which has contributed all videos from recent years’ Annual Lighting Forums. Also in the collection is intriguing historical footage contributed by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), a sponsor of the NLB and a cosponsor – with the EdisonReport – of the Annual Lighting Forum.

Access to the videos is unrestricted, said NLB Executive Director John Bachner, and there is no cost involved. “Our goal is to be of service to the lighting industry and the people who design, install, maintain, and depend on lighting to get the job done. Increasingly, that job is about more than providing light to see by, as we learn more about lighting’s role in health care and wellness.”

The National Lighting Bureau is an independent, IRS-recognized not-for-profit, educational foundation that has served as a trusted lighting-information source since 1976.